Saturday, October 5, 2019

Dancing Alone

Folks, October is upon us! And with it every delightfully cute and spooky thing that has been kept back by the unknown holiday forces will be coming at us with great speed!

I doubt I'm going to do anything particularly special this month - I rarely do. But if I happen to create something of appropriate theme, I'll be sure to send it over here! :)

But enough of that. Time for the weekly art show!

I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out, but I'm actually pretty happy with this! Sure, coulda done more work on the background, but there's a charm in the simplicity. Alone somewhere in the dark, with music no one else but you can hear. Dancing quietly as the world around you stops for a time. Freedom, nostalgia, and sadness...

If I was more of a poet I would make this more depressing... Eh. Only got so many talents. :)

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