Saturday, October 12, 2019

Seeking Refreshments

 New week, new post! 
Let's do this!

*Claps hands together and produces image*

I need more practice drawing humans and animals. I mean, I draw a lot of Anthro Animals, sure, just... not much of anything else. Hm...
But I reckon I did a pretty decent job at this. Also it has a background! Feels appropriate, considering it's starting to get pretty hot in Australia, what with all the fires and stuff...

( Forget it, Blacky! Ford aint givin' up his drink to the likes of you. Go somewhere else for some orange juice. )


  1. Ooh, I feel like this is something different than what you usually post... I still like it of course! (pfft). I like how you drew the man, and the cat looks cute and cartoony. :)
