Saturday, December 28, 2019

Holiday Ride

Evening, guys! You lot all had a good week? Enjoyed your Christmas and stuff? Heh, I've spent the entire week sick with flu. Definitely one way to spend your holidays, but I've had fun! Got to truly sit back and relax and really enjoy myself, unlike what I would've had done if I wasn't sick! True, I spent my 25th awake at 3AM with insomnia and then trying to stumble my way through the rest of the day, but I still had a good Christmas. :)
I thought I'd be more or less better by the time Friday rolled around, but I've developed a bit of a sore scratchy throat, which has a tendency to be worse the moment I'm in a relaxed sleep and I have to cough till I almost vomit. Still fine, just annoying...
I was worried I wouldn't be able to draw something for the blog tonight. I had been lazy 2 weeks out of 4 this month already, and I was starting to worry I'd have to do it again.

Of course that fear was unfounded cuz I drew this!

Pretty simple, but I like it! I wasn't planning on drawing anything festive (because I already had my Christmas Mood way back in August) but I thought it'd be cute if I drew a little reindeer girl, and two hours later I had this little picture!

Anyway. I hope you lot enjoy the rest of your holidays! Wont be making any New Year's post again (FAR too lazy for that... also far too sick for that, too) so I'll be seeing you all next year! :)



    ....... Wow, I haven't visited your blog in weeks. I haven't forgotten about you! I've just not been checking Blogger stuff in general lately.

    1. Ey, no worries! I've been super busy with stuff myself. Ha, holiday break and the beginning of a new year kinda does that to a person, y'know? :)
      *Pops confetti*

    2. me: *first checks back to this blog right now since my last comment* oops-

      This artwork is so cute! The hair in the front of the character's face looks like another tuft of animal fur I see in cartoony animal styles, but then in the back her hair turns into a braid. What the heck. I love that.

      And of course that red and green line trailing behind her. Very cute, very festive.

    3. You have NO IDEA how much I love this comment! Thank you! <3 <3 <3
