Saturday, January 4, 2020

Tyler McKay

 2020 is now a thing. Mostly I'm filled with indifference to this fact, but it is cool that we finally get to see double 20's!

And I've got something to post for this first Saturday, unlike last year where I was too mentally exhausted to do much of anything... Also pretty cool.

One of my sister's mercenary oc's. He's quite fond of animals. Up to the point where he'll shoot anyone who hunts, abuses pets, or even so much as wears a fur coat...
Apart from that, he's very friendly. :)


  1. @ the first paragraph of your post: I feel the same way. 2020: meh. it's another year. but hey, 2020. 20-20. two twenties. that's pretty neat.

    I like the guy's shirt and pink glasses. :)
    Wait, is that a cat I see in the background? *raises eyebrow*

    1. Ha, yes! This man has good taste in clothing (much to the chagrin of his teammates).
      And yes, that is a cat back there! Well, the silhouette of one anyway... Was too lazy to draw a real cat, haha. XD

    2. Ah, then it's silhouette kitty! :D
