Saturday, January 18, 2020

Aeron DeathDancer

 Whelp. Tired and anxious again, so it's time for another sketchy picture!
I should just call this Sketch-anurary, huh? Would make it seem like I'm doing this on purpose. In a way I kinda am, but.. *waves hand away* eh.

Every few months or so I try to draw Aeron as a (mostly) mature adult. Just to test out what he could look like. Because he sometimes likes going back in time to visit Ruby and Harland to just... relax with them. Have some familiar cooking, spend time with his parents, and quietly helps them out in small ways. Like making sure an important letter gets to its destination on time (by just taking it himself and teleporting), or keeping some of the kids safe from shenanigans, or finding the exact right person to help out with a current problem. (That's how they got their permanent psychiatrist! Poor Reggie and Midnight really needed that...)

As he flicks back and forth through time and dimensions, seeing what the future holds and the secrets of the past, he can't help but come back to his old childhood home by the quiet forest glade. Even if it's just for a cup of coffee with his mum...

I really want to draw a scene like that one day.
Maybe soon...

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