Saturday, January 11, 2020

Kitchen Talk

... Otherwise titled as "AppleStorm is finally learning not be a perfectionist"!
Haha, that's the dream, anyway. Honestly I was just really proud of this sketch and I shaded it so much it would've taken me ages to recreate in a cleaner version... Time I neither had nor cared to spend, so this is all your getting this week. :)

Two more of my sister's oc's. Having a MUCH needed discussion about life choices...
It mostly boils down to "Let sleeping dogs lie" and "War sucks". 
Also "Cheer up and we'll go get you some therapy in the morning".


  1. Ooh, a background! With kitchen stuff! :0
    *sees the characters' facial expressions* Ahh no! Will they be alright?!

  2. YES! Ah, good grief I need to do this more often! :D
    Eehhh I think they'll be alright? I mean Ford (big dude) is fine with all of this, but he realizes Becky had no idea what he was getting himself into... But I think he ends up good.
    With lots of love and support he'll be fine. :)
