Good evening, you fantastic few people who have made the choice to check out this post on this particularly fine night!
Been a pretty rough week for me. Trying to assert dominance over my stress and stuff, only to finally get results in the last few days. Not good results, but I'm at least back in charge again, so I'll take it. Hopefully I'll continue in an upward curve in the upcoming week. :)
As for drawing? Well...
Been drawing a certain Canadian Pyromaniac a lot lately.
*thumbs up*
Hunter's hair is equal parts wild, fun, and confusing. Just the way all hair-styles should be.
Not satisfied with the lighting or shading, but eh. What can you do?
I'll work on improving it at a later date.
Well. Now that we've got all that out of the way, I'll catch you guys later!
*salutes myself out*