Saturday, May 2, 2020

You and Me

WELL. After spending a literal (and very productive) week drawing Gravity Falls for my sister, I thought it was time I did something for myself.

Something easy. Maybe a little cute.
 And 100% nostalgic.

While sharing and listening to stuff with my sister during this week, a certain song was brought to my attention again, and it gave me major feels.
  It was a song I remembered quite fondly, hearing it years and years ago on Eurovision (back in the day when I got up at 4am to watch it live with my more sadistic family members) and I couldn't help but imagine Ruby and Sapphire as I heard it once more.

Those two were closer than sisters, once. And while they did rekindled their relationship in their teenage years, I think they realize that they'll never get back what they had.

But they're both okay with that.
They have good memories of a time that could've easily been far worse for them.

I don't see much of Sapphire in my mainstream stories anymore (since Ruby and Midnight's domestic shenanigans keep me pretty occupied) but I still think of her from time to time.

Maybe I'll get Aeron to track her down for me... Spy on her for a bit. Heck, maybe even somehow manage to worm his way into her adventuring group?

I wont force anything. Sapphire will tell me what she's been up to one day.
I've got time.

Til then. *raises glass* Cheers, girls!

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