Saturday, May 16, 2020

Sino, but if she was an Alien Vet for the I.I.

Hello there! How you lot doin'?
Not much for me to say tonight. Been a bit of a boring week, I'm afraid. Sprained my creativity on Tuesday, and forced myself to rest until I felt like I could draw something without having to painfully squeeze my heart into submission.

But despite that I guess I've been good.
Drew this, anyway. :)

Anyone remember Sino? Blind anthro spider who used to be a sheep? Wears a checkered bandana?

 Well, I was thinking deeply about various anxieties earlier this week and was trying my best to come to terms with just how dumb and unlikely they all were... so I came up with an alien race who choose to become blind (either due to religion or culture, haven't decided yet) to comfort myself. 
I realized, like, five minutes after I came up with this idea that Sino would fit perfectly for this new alien group. 

Her personality is quite calming and philosophical, plus she's really gentle and empathetic. Really cheered me up arguing with her about the importance of sight, and how I shouldn't worry about it.

I like all my spider characters. But besides Fang, not a lot of them have a chance to be used for something.
 At least Sino has somewhere else to live now! Even if she isn't a spider anymore... :)

Anyway! Enjoy your week as best as you can! And for those that are working, I hope you do your best. 
See you around!