Saturday, April 25, 2020

Kings of Bandwell

 Well. I WAS going to try and make an Anzac post for today, but because I've already made a Birthday special earlier this month my brain did a little... uh... how should I put this?
It backed away into the darkest corner and refused to come out.

Yeah. As appropriate as it would've been, I'm afraid I got so stressed I decided it wasn't worth it in the end.

BUT, despite everything I've been through this week, I did manage to draw something UV related! Midnight and Reginald, no less! And I guess we can all live with that... :)

During one of my fits of complete self-worthlessness this week, I decided I'd cheer myself up by making a UV Playlist on Spotify - just to see how many songs I could gather in one place that make my think of Undercover Vamparoo.

Considering my memory, I was surprised I came up with as many as I did, but looking at it harder I realized that most of the songs were about Midnight. "Why Should I Worry" and "All Hail The King" are the most obvious examples, although there are a few Harland and Reginald songs in there, so maybe I'm overthinking it...

Anyway. It's a work in progress, but it helped me focus as I drew this picture, so I don't mind. :)
And in case any of you wanna check it out >>>HERE'S THE LINK<<< to it!

*finger guns at you all and sidesteps into a portal and disappears*
P E A C E   O U T   F O L K S !

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