Saturday, April 11, 2020

"Relax, nerd..."

Hey there

Yeah, might as well get this over with. Can't think of anything to say.

Far too tired to try and draw something new today, so you're getting the Gravity Falls AU art I posted last night to my Instagram.

Was kinda proud of the background anyway, so I'm not too upset about it.
Hopeless dorks, the both of them. :)


  1. Ooh, Gravity Falls art?! Wait, an AU? Interesting...

    Wait, just making sure- Who are the characters here? ^-^"

    1. Yup! Me and my sister have been re-watching Gravity Falls lately and, because were massive nerds with imaginations and FEELINGS, we've been coming up with dozens of AU'S and UA's. (That's Alternate Universes and Universe Alternations, respectively) To say nothing of making up new adventures for them to go on!

      I really don't want to spoil anything if you don't know much about GF, but these two characters are Stan and Ford.
      But because this is an AU, I think I'm allowed to say that much.. :)

    2. Oh, that's cool! I know Gravity Falls, haha, it's been one of my favorite cartoons. :')

      I thought the guy in the glasses looked like Ford! Then I got confused when you said AU, which made me wonder if you actually drew your OCs here. I guess not! XD

    3. Ah! A girl with taste. Nice! *approval sign*

      Yeah, I guess I didn't explain anything in this picture, so your confusion was valid.
      SO *clasps hands together* ALLOW ME TO EXPLAIN!

      Basically in this AU, instead of Ford getting pushed through the portal and being stuck for 30 years, it was STAN. Making him 10 new kinds of awesome... (super buff, laser vision, tons of scars and tattoos... the works. Also might be just as smart as Ford? Well, he's a cocky sonofagun with tons of space knowledge, so.. might as well)
      And Ford ends up having multiple complexes (while still somehow being bitter towards Stan? but that doesn't last very long) and being an even bigger paranoid wreck because Bill is still tormenting him. Among other things.

      This picture was meant to show the aftermath to a very VERY long week for Ford, and Stan (after threatening to go back into the portal) trying to sooth him.
      Obviously there's a lot more to it than that, but that's the gist of it! :)
