Saturday, April 18, 2020

Candy Cousins


*waves arms in the general direction of picture, not having a clue how to start this post*

I was just thinking about how fun it would be to draw something candy themed again, but all my brain was giving me was LOLLIPOP.

Just... LOLLIPOP. 

It wouldn't take me any further than that, so I just shrugged and drew lil' Ru and Sapphy with the teeth-rotting treat.

I like to imagine that the Vampires have their own speical snacks, like blood boxes and stuff. They definitely have some sort of iron-pop that would be pretty popular. Maybe not as much as a regular lollipop, but the benefits would probably outweigh the lack of sweetness! :)


  1. Sorry for not visiting your blog for a while. This looks so cute! Look at these vampire girls! Aww, Sapphy! :) <3
