Saturday, June 26, 2021

Breakfast at the Antidote Apartment

 Well. I was planning to write down something along the lines of an introduction, but then I spent the next half-hour reading comics and my brain feels like it's melting, so I've decided against it now.

And another half hour later, and I'm still here.
No point in letting this sit any longer. I'm out.  Enjoy your weekend, guys. *proceeds to go back to reading comics*

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Prof. L.B. Phosphorus

Evening, all! Not much to say tonight, except that I've had a great week (in spite of those moments of raw panic) and I'm very excited for tomorrow so I can start work again! Like... "I'm ready for all the challenges that come my way and I can taste victory" excitement. Confident, but (hopefully) not cocky.
That will probably come back to bite me by Monday, but enthusiasm never hurts anyone. Besides; it might come true!

Ah, but enough of my rambling.
Who wants to see a familiar anxious monster?

 Hah. I was looking at some old OverKill sketches and thought it would be fun to draw Phossy again. Revamp his design a little.. but mostly just curious to see how far I've come since I first drew him.

 I think it's safe to say I've improved a little since 2018.
Just a bit, mind you.

Man, I missed drawing this stressed nerd! I definitely  need to try and do a big art project with him in the near future. That could be a lot of fun. Make it all glowy and sparky...
Heh. Anyway. I've got things to do, so I'll let you go now. See y'all next week! Take care! <3

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Cut Away Your Past

Hm. Bit of an odd week for me. Wanted to work hard, but after crying for the first two days I decided to slow down and smell some roses instead. Play video games. Write a little. Mostly just explore and absorb art and comics to the point of disassociation.
It was still a really nice week! Just one where I didn't draw much. *shrug*

Hopefully things will improve tomorrow.
But until then, have some UV art I drew yesterday!

Ruby finally taking control of her life and cutting her hair off as an act of rebellion against her mother. Or... just for her emotion and mental health. Or something.
That scene in my head was complicated.

It's very cathartic, in any case...

She actually didn't have the guts to cut it as short as she wanted, and had to get Harland to do the rest. He managed to do a good job, despite having no real hair himself. 

Ah. Nothing like getting rid of something that people have been telling you to look after, despite you hating it with a burning passion. Very satisfying. If not also terrifying...

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Team Intrigued

Aight. Back here again... You guys know the drill! Get into position and we'll start this show without any fuss. *blows whistle*

 I've been drawing my Joy and Disgust lot. I mean, I kinda have to, because they're the main characters in my new project. But that's completely irrelevant and has nothing to do with anything. How dare you suggest otherwise.

Haha, but anyway! I really find colouring memory orbs to be a lot of fun. Especially Aussie-coloured memories!
I've got a mini-bingo game in my brain about how many colour-combinations I can make with my emotions. It's fun. I'm hoping to find good inspiration to pair everyone up with each other at some point. Should keep me amused for a time.

Also, this is the first time I've 'officially' drawn my Disgust in her upgraded design. She's been taking a lot more pride in her job lately, and I figured it was time to show that off. No longer does she wear shorts and a tank-top! I mean, she does still wear a tank-top... but the beige jacket hides that very well.
I'll be using her old design for the comic though; but that's fine. Character development yet to happen just makes the current version feel that much sweeter. :)