Saturday, June 5, 2021

Team Intrigued

Aight. Back here again... You guys know the drill! Get into position and we'll start this show without any fuss. *blows whistle*

 I've been drawing my Joy and Disgust lot. I mean, I kinda have to, because they're the main characters in my new project. But that's completely irrelevant and has nothing to do with anything. How dare you suggest otherwise.

Haha, but anyway! I really find colouring memory orbs to be a lot of fun. Especially Aussie-coloured memories!
I've got a mini-bingo game in my brain about how many colour-combinations I can make with my emotions. It's fun. I'm hoping to find good inspiration to pair everyone up with each other at some point. Should keep me amused for a time.

Also, this is the first time I've 'officially' drawn my Disgust in her upgraded design. She's been taking a lot more pride in her job lately, and I figured it was time to show that off. No longer does she wear shorts and a tank-top! I mean, she does still wear a tank-top... but the beige jacket hides that very well.
I'll be using her old design for the comic though; but that's fine. Character development yet to happen just makes the current version feel that much sweeter. :)

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