Saturday, June 19, 2021

Prof. L.B. Phosphorus

Evening, all! Not much to say tonight, except that I've had a great week (in spite of those moments of raw panic) and I'm very excited for tomorrow so I can start work again! Like... "I'm ready for all the challenges that come my way and I can taste victory" excitement. Confident, but (hopefully) not cocky.
That will probably come back to bite me by Monday, but enthusiasm never hurts anyone. Besides; it might come true!

Ah, but enough of my rambling.
Who wants to see a familiar anxious monster?

 Hah. I was looking at some old OverKill sketches and thought it would be fun to draw Phossy again. Revamp his design a little.. but mostly just curious to see how far I've come since I first drew him.

 I think it's safe to say I've improved a little since 2018.
Just a bit, mind you.

Man, I missed drawing this stressed nerd! I definitely  need to try and do a big art project with him in the near future. That could be a lot of fun. Make it all glowy and sparky...
Heh. Anyway. I've got things to do, so I'll let you go now. See y'all next week! Take care! <3

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