Saturday, July 10, 2021

Pride & Shame

Hi! How you lot doing? I'm personally well. Not physically, (because I'm sick) but quite content. Which is pretty good for me, considering how my week went.

But because I spent two days recovering from a near burnout, and then didn't have enough time to finish this picture on Friday, I just don't have the energy to properly shade or add special effects to this anymore. Bit of a shame, but that's the way it is sometimes.

It still looks okay, though. Don't hate it or nothing. Just disappointed I couldn't finish it, and probably never will, because I have better things to do with my time.
Oh well. :)

I'll save my brain power for more important things later on tonight. But suffice to say, I've been thinking about this idea for a while.

If I ever took writing more seriously, I would definitely want to write a fanfic series exploring all the different aspects of all the emotions; both positive and negative, and how they clash and compliment each other.
But that's a dream for another day.

Hope you guys have a good weekend! I'll see you next week. :)

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