Saturday, July 24, 2021

Tiny Martini the Clown/Acrobat

A day spent drawing nothing but short stripey clowns with hoops is a day that doesn't come by often. So I made the most of it and tried to enjoy myself. Which I did. But it also meant I had all these sketches to choose from, and I couldn't decide which one I liked best.
So I'm picking them all.


 Even after two years, this lil' clown is still super fun and easy to draw... That's good. Means I did a good job designing her.
Or maybe my taste in comfort characters hasn't changed much since then... Eh. It doesn't matter.

Definitely need to give her some friends to play with, though. But that's a challenge for another day methinks.


  1. Hi again~

    I'm glad to see you still drawing and posting your art. I like your clown art. They look cute.

    1. wHY HELLO there, stranger! Fancy meeting you here! *stage whisper* Missed you, mate! <3

      Haha, thanks! Marti's a good girl, even if she is a brat and a showoff. Making me draw her juggling hoops and hanging upside down.. Glad you like her too! :)

    2. Hehe~ c; (I missed checking on you and your blog, but I’ve been avoiding associating myself with anything on Blogger/Blogspot for a while. I’m glad and relieved that you’re still out there blogging and checked mine again. It means a lot to me, actually.)

      Of course, no problem! I love her outfits and poses with the hoops. Especially loving the shirt and suspenders with the hat. Looks great!

    3. Yes! It's a good combination of clothes, and an aesthetic I adore. Which was probably why it was so easy to draw her almost a dozen times in a single afternoon. And the hoops were a bonus, honestly. (So difficult, but SO much fun to draw! :))
