Saturday, November 13, 2021

Sleepy Devil and Casual Karate Kid

 Another week bites the dust. Still trying to be kind to myself, but also immerse myself back into my routine of comic making, art lessons, and general shenanigans. It's a tricky balance, but I've been keeping myself in check alright so far.

Not much to say apart from that. But I think that's good news.

I think my Moshi Monster fixation is slowing coming to a close. The ideas are getting smaller. The urges and prompts give me less dopamine reward.
But it has been really neat drawing the kids that are basically the reason I got into online MMORPG games in the first place. And to what I think helped push me to get better at drawing.
Moshi Monster gave me an opportunity to share my art online for the first time in my small, young life... which led me to Club Penguin, which eventually evolved into me finding Animal Jam, and that inspired me to create a silly blog about Vampire kangaroos that were allergic to cinnamon.
The rest is history.
It's a long, weird path... but it is still relevant.

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