Saturday, December 18, 2021

Rainbow Misery

Ah. Should've supposed that this week couldn't possibly have been as good as the last.
Still good. But it had it's down sides, too.

Such it is. :)

 My laptop crashed yesterday and I lost a good half hour of drawing progress on a big art piece I was working on.
That didn't phase me, actually.
I mostly shrugged my shoulders and went 'Ay. Could've been worse. Could've lost the entire hour of work. That's fine. I'll just have to do the work I lost again later this afternoon; but better!"

And then my laptop crashed again and it took literally the entire afternoon to restart itself.
Yeah. That completely killed the mood for me. So I was rather frustrated, and sulked for a good hour or something while I tried to process my feelings.

Then I grew bored and decided I was going to draw anyway, but for fun.
Something sparkly and rainbow sounded good.
So anyway. That's the story behind this drawing.

Pretty experimental? But I think it's okay. I had fun. Even if I was still a little miffed.

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