Saturday, January 8, 2022

Sun and Shade

 Haha, accidentally burnt my self out with my latest drawing obsession this week, so I was out of commission for a few days.
Read lots about Hematology and had plenty of discussions with my siblings and friends, so all in all I still think it was a good week.

Also an incredibly long one?? When I was told it had only been a week since New Years I was stumped.
Feels like a month already tbh.

I found a pile of concept thumbnails for potential drawings that I made months ago, so I used one of them as inspiration for tonight's piece.

 Yes, it's one of those cool 'flip them upside down and it still looks good' paintings!
I love drawing those so much.

Characters are based off my Inside Out emotions, but honestly they're starting to take a life of their own in their little CottageCore world and I'm not quite sure what to do with that.
Let them run free and see if I can use any of their shenanigans as inspiration, I guess! It's what I always do. :)

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