Saturday, March 26, 2022

Hamster Lads

 I have no idea what happened to me this week, but I'm going to take an educated guess and assume I'm suffering from either burnout or too much stress. Maybe a little of both. (which is a shame because I really wanted to get back into my art lessons seriously again)
Either way, didn't draw a lot, but I did watch a lot of wholesome hamsters have adventures! So I think I had a good week anyway.

 I remember as a kid watching Howdy and Dexter do their thing and not being able to compute a word either of them said (I understood all the words individually, but all in the one sentence? HMM nope XD) but now that I'm an adult I can appreciate how much poetry Dexter spews out and I FINALLY get the terrible jokes and rhymes Howdy says in his ridiculous American accent. (he thinks he's the funniest man in the world and I dig it)
The poetry dork and the comedic mathematician- truly, no better rivalry has ever existed before or since, and I love them.

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