Saturday, March 5, 2022

"Say Cheese!"

 Ahahahaa... well, that was certainly a week I just had!
My town experienced the worst flood it's ever had on record, and drowned almost a third of all the shops, buildings, houses.. everything. And it did it within a day.
Literally no one was prepared for that. We KNEW we would flood, but... not this badly.

I'm personally fine and dry, but I'm sorta looking at everything and going "Oh, this is going to take us a while to recover."
So! I've been stressed? But in that weird way where it's like "This is justified." so it doesn't feel as bad as it usually does.

Have some more pokemon fanart!

I've been slowly trying to teach myself perspective, and gotta say I think those lessons and studies are paying off!
I am proud of how the building in the background came out, and even if I feel like I could've done more for the colors and shading, I'm content and glad I decided to do this project.
Even if it it took me a week longer than I thought it would... XD

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