Saturday, May 14, 2022

Hydrangeas in the Rain

First time drawing something with a background in.... *looks back* early March! (Apparently XD) and gotta say, it was a headache, but one with a good result! I'm reasonably proud of this.
WELL, I still like looking at it days after I created it, so it must be good, right? Riiight. <3

 Watching all the English episodes that I never got the chance to see  as a kid has been fun, but I'm SO glad the Japanese dub has also been living up to expectation too! (The different voices threw me through a loop for a hot minute, but I'm used to 'em now!)
Never thought they'd give us a Pashmina+Dexter+Howdy adventure, but they did and I loved it! In the rain, no less!

I was totally prepared to come up with my own story, but it was nice of them to acknowledge the trio in the show anyway XD
Little leaf raincoats sparked a lot of joy, too. And leaf umbrellas! That was adorable. 10/10 would love to seem them again in those outfits.

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