Saturday, May 21, 2022

Two dorks making Big Sales

 "Breaking news! Local Italian man teams up with his future son-in-law and they combine their business charisma to make big sales, more at 6"

No but seriously. I adore Curtis' relationship with Zack and Goldie. The man is willing to ditch his own shop and help out the second he thinks they need it. Literally pushed Goldie aside, told her to get some rest, and took up the slack and started shouting advertisements to the public. What a guy!
Zack is also a good little businessman. He might've learnt most it from his mum, but he clearly picked up a few things from his neighbor too.
They make an adorable team. 

Anyway. That's how I spent my Thursday.
No doubt I'll be doing this again in the near future.

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