Saturday, July 2, 2022

Tiger Twins comic panels

Busy week! Interesting week. Pretty good week. I've finished sketching (and coloring) all the Hamtaro comic panels I've been working on since early June (despite my initial fears of burnout), Art Fight has officially started, and lots of other shenanigans have happened since I've last uploaded.
I'm tired, but content.
Mostly tired, tho. XD


I still can't believe I managed to color all 14 panels (not counting sketches) in a week. Especially these four. Backgrounds have never been my forte, and definitely not perspective! yet I'm reasonably proud of how these came out. Not perfect, but they'll do, and that's all I need from them.
Gonna start posting these on Instagram tomorrow.

I'll be too busy with Art Fight to sketch any new comics for a while, but I'm actually hyped to continue this lil' story if I can. Ah, but we'll see.

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