Saturday, August 27, 2022

Scarves for DAYS

I did it! Took 3 days to finish it, but I did it! I drew them all! I drew the main 15 hamsters of Hamtaro! And they're all sharing scarves!

 It's not height accurate but that doesn't matter because these guys are still all adorable and I love them.
Scarves are a lot of fun to draw, for the record.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Sacred Fire Blossoms

Well!  I had an unusually bad case of insomnia earlier this week and in order to keep myself amused I went through the list of all my worlds and stories and found that The Interstellar Institute sparked joy that night, and so I used these nerds to relieved the boredom of staying awake until almost dawn. And then I didn't stop thinking about them because I remembered "Oh wait, I actually had some pretty fun ideas for these guys"
Hence why I was inspired to draw one of the scenes that's been in my head for a year or two.

This didn't com out 100% to what I imagined, but it's still pretty good and I'm content with what I've made. I like how the glowy petals came out, and while the perspective isn't great I'm very happy my understanding of it is increasing. Which probably explains my frustration XD

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The M.M. Boys are on the scene!

Don't mind me, just drawing some awful hamster boys again. Like you do on a typical Sunday weekend.

Drawing this made me very happy. At this point these two dorks are comfort characters because I can draw them so easily without needing a reference or anything else in my tank besides a desire to see them again.
It's good.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Chromatic Killer

 Finally! Art Fight is over! I AM FREE!
It was a good time and I'm glad I participated again this year, but I glad to be free from the war again.

I drew art for a different kind of war though, and it came in two different flavors!

 I've had a pretty good mental image of drawing this guy in a (almost) completely grayscale picture for at least a year, but I finally got round to drawing it a few weeks ago. I think during Art Fight? Because I needed a break and I thought I could finally do my idea justice? I can't remember anymore. It's been too long.
The point is I had a lot of fun with this picture and I learnt a lot about keeping my values straight. Also snake skin! That was a neat experiment that I'm looking forward to repeating one day.