Saturday, August 20, 2022

Sacred Fire Blossoms

Well!  I had an unusually bad case of insomnia earlier this week and in order to keep myself amused I went through the list of all my worlds and stories and found that The Interstellar Institute sparked joy that night, and so I used these nerds to relieved the boredom of staying awake until almost dawn. And then I didn't stop thinking about them because I remembered "Oh wait, I actually had some pretty fun ideas for these guys"
Hence why I was inspired to draw one of the scenes that's been in my head for a year or two.

This didn't com out 100% to what I imagined, but it's still pretty good and I'm content with what I've made. I like how the glowy petals came out, and while the perspective isn't great I'm very happy my understanding of it is increasing. Which probably explains my frustration XD

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