Saturday, March 18, 2023

Lightning!Kai sketchdump

 Second verse same as the first; glad I survived another week of uni, but I am sad to say scissors hate me and I am not making an effort to love them back. Can't help if I'm left-handed, but the scissors hold it against me anyway.

 Least these ninja dorks don't hate me for my inability to use a pair of scissors.


  1. Storm siblings! Yippee :D
    You’re good at drawing facial expressions, I swear.

    ~ Shan or Shyrah (totally didn’t spam comments just now haha pfft)

    1. Thank ya! Expressions are so much fun to draw, and Kai makes it so easy XD

      (totally didn't enjoy getting spammed by my favorite weird writer and poet friend! XD haha ya massive and delightful dork <3)
