Saturday, March 4, 2023

The Time has Come

 The time has come, brothers and sisters. It is time for me to join the ranks of the higher and holier multitude of education and learning.

... And by that, I mean open University.

 I am terrified beyond belief, but optimistic things will be fine despite my crippling fear of... well, a lot of things! But I'm optimistic all the same.

I've survived this week, even if I was confused and lost and hopelessly ditzy. Hopefully next week I'll understand what I'm doing a little better.

If I don't make it, I hope my dearly beloved friends and family will find my body and give me a good funeral and a delightfully witty gravestone about "She died as she lived: heart full of love and head empty of everything except anxiety and Christmas colored ninjas"

But that's future problems and no one has to think of that yet. Least of all me.
For now, I've got a night of joy and peace to comfort me. That's all I need right now.

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