Saturday, April 1, 2023

Cherry Blossom Boy

you fOOLS! Did you think I wouldn't have time to make some digital art after all these weeks of uni work? THINK AGAIN!

 And double fools! Did you think I wouldn't draw the most adorable Ninjago oc in all the seven realms? You were wrong again!
*fist pump* Mission accomplished! April Fools day was a success!
totally not pretending I planned this, absolutely not insinuating it was a delightful coincidence that I can share some digital art instead of stuff from my sketchbook this week XD

Seriously though, words cannot describe how much I adore Zeke. My twin sister is a genius and he is adorable <3


  1. Aww, Zeke looks adorable! I like how you drew the clothes. :)

    ~ Shan/Shyrah / commenting again (still not signed in :/)

    1. Ikr! Zeke is precious and I would throw all my earthly possessions at this boy! <3 And thank ya! His clothes were very fun to draw
