Saturday, June 24, 2023

Rewind and crush your Enemies into the floor

 To the surprise of everyone (including myself) I did not draw once this week, except in my notebook which I don't intend to share with anyone.

I instead wrote a short fanfiction about Star Wars (of all the possible things I could've written about???) and even finished it. Didn't edit or spellcheck it much, but I finished it! And that's somehow more of a miracle than me finishing a short comic.

So yeah. No new art to share this weekend. But I can offer the comic I finished weeks ago instead.


Since it still makes me laugh I think that means I did something right, but for the most part it was just a silly idea that I wanted to get down on paper.

We'll see if I draw anything next week. Or if I just write more fanfiction instead.
Only time will tell!

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