Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Ch.5. "Borrowing" from the Library - part.1

Under the cover of darkness Ruby, Fang and Midnight slip back into the Golden Forests school library, and creep up to the locked door.

Ruby: (whispering) Midnight - can you unlock the door, or do we need to use the strength potion?

Midnight: (whispering) Let me see if I can bust it or not - just give me two minutes!

Midnight begins to use his claws as a lockpick, turning them back and forth.

Ruby: (whispering) Fang - better you stay here, it'll be easier for all of us if you don't get in our way!

Fang: (loudly) I'm not being left behind on this mission!

Ruby quickly stuffs into Fang into her pocket in the hope of keeping him quiet.  Just at that moment, the locked door opens.

Midnight: (whispering) Strike one for the good-looking Midnight!

Ruby: (whispering) One a scale of one to ten, what is the possibility of traps behind this door?

Midnight: (whispering) Eight and a half. If this book is as dangerous to the UnMythics as it seems, they wont just want any normal thief walking in!

Ruby and Midnight walk into the room silently.

Midnight: (whispering) I'll search for the book on this level, you go down the stairs on the left!

Ruby: (whispering) What if I get into trouble?

Midnight: (whispering) If you get into trouble, its every vampire for himself!

Ruby: (whispering) And if you get into trouble?

Midnight: (whispering) I wont GET into trouble! Even if I do, I can get out of trouble just as easily!

Ruby carefully makes her way down the stairs, until she see's a brightly lit room with a lot of people sitting in chairs.

Dr. Scar ( Rhino with green glasses): Greetings brothers and sister,welcome to this meeting of Project R.O.O.S.T!   Professor Thunderclap, have you brought the Ancient Scroll of Secrets?

Professor Thunderclap (Black seal with top hat):  Yes I have.  And it's even more helpful than I imagined!  ROOST - the planned Rescue Of Our Sun Temple in Everwinter Forest is on-track!

Mr Stonecloud:  When do we attack?

Dr Scar:  Settle down Stonecloud - don't run before you can walk!  We have a plan, and we will stick to it!

Midnight silently joins Ruby in the shadows.

Midnight: (whispering)  The book we seek is not upstairs.

Ruby:  (whispering)  I think the book is a scroll, and I think the scroll is on the table there...  and by the sound of it, the Vampire Lord will be very pleased with it!

Midnight:  (whispering)  I have an idea...

End of part 1.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! :) I wonder what Project R.O.O.S.T is... Is it something good, or something bad?

    ~Twinkle, who just got off the plane, the train, and blah blah blah, and just got some time to get on the computer
