Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Ch.4. Book of Legends - part.3

Ruby and Fang dash off to the local night markets to find Midnight.

Fang:  You forgot to ask Grandma about why Sapphire isn't a vampire!

Ruby:  I didn't forget.  Getting that book is far more important than some mere question!

They crash into a black cheetah eating some berries.

Fang:  Watch it cat!  Are you blind, or is it just your bad luck?

Midnight (Black Cheetah):  I'll have you know that I'm Midnight - the best Thief in town!

Ruby:  Are you really as good as they say?

Fang:  Can you really steal ANYTHING?

Midnight:  Nothing can be hidden from me - I've even stolen the Vampire Lord's false teeth!

Ruby: Brilliant!  The Vampire Lord has a job for you.

Midnight:  Do I have to return his teeth?

Fang:  No - you just have to steal a library book - do you think you are up to it?

Midnight:  I could do it in my sleep!

Ruby:  We leave in one hour.

Ruby and Fang run home to collect Grandma's potions.

Grandma:  Here you go - these should help!

Fang:  What do these potions do?

Grandma:  Potion of Invisibility - makes you invisible for a few minutes, Potion of Strength - Makes you as strong as a Ice Giant for ten seconds, and my Homemade Mystery Potion.

Fang: What does your "Homemade Mystery Potion" do?

Grandma: It's a very unstable potion that has different effects on different vampires.  It's always useful in a tight spot.

Ruby: Ok! We'll use that for a emergency instead!

Grandma: Perfect!  Did you find Midnight the thief?

Ruby:  He's leaving with us soon.

Fang:  Grandma? Can we ask you a question?

Grandma: Of course you can! Sandwiches are upstairs in the kitchen.

Fang runs off in the direction of the kitchen.

Grandma: Now, what was the real question?

Ruby: Why isn't my cousin Sapphire a vampire like the rest of us?

Grandma: We don't know if Sapphire is, or isn't a vampire. Maybe her UnMythic mother wanted her to believe she was normal, so she hasn't told her that she could be one. She has been taught to hate all vampires - it's not her fault.

Ruby: I'll try to avoid her so she doesn't have to betray us. Bye Grandma, thanks for the potions! We will return victorious with the book!

After collecting Fang, Ruby meets up with Midnight and they head to Golden Forests School.


  1. Ooo... interesting! BTW, just curious, do you use GimpShop too?

  2. I use Paintshop pro for joining screengrabs pics, and changing colours etc.

    1. Oh, I see. Hehe, I wonder why all (Or at least, most of them) Graphic-Making programme names end with -Shop. Heeheehee!
