Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Ch.5. "Borrowing" from the Library - part.2

Midnight and Ruby are hiding outside the secret R.O.O.S.T. meeting, ready to 'borrow' the Ancient Scroll of Secrets.

Midnight:  (whispers) Can you give me the invisibility potion please?

Ruby gives Midnight the potion.

Ruby:  (whispers) I see what you're about to try - be careful!

Midnight:  (whispers) Hey, it's me - I never get caught.  I'm unstoppable!

Fang:  (from inside Ruby's pocket)  mmph drfmmph ftmm mnfcm!

Ruby:  (whispers) Stop mumbling Fang!

After gulping down the potion, Midnight creeps down the stairs into the meeting room, crosses the floor, and grabs the Scroll.

Mr Stonecloud: Am I seeing things? Or is the Ancient Scroll of Secrets floating in the air?

Professor Thunderclap: Nope - it's not just you.

They watch the scroll slowly float away. Then they heard a crash in the direction of the floating scroll.

Dr. Scar: WERE BEING ROBBED!!! Put the Library under Lockdown!

Alarms started to sound and the distant crash of big doors being closed and locked ringed in Ruby's  ears. Just then a floating scroll rushes up the stairs into Ruby, then Midnight reappears.

Midnight: (whispering) We need to get out of here before those clowns find out where we are!

Fang pops out of Ruby's pocket at that moment.

Fang: (whispering) I thought you could do this in your sleep no problem!

Ruby: Stay down!

Ruby shoves Fang back down in her pocket, Then races back up the stairs and bangs into a now locked door into the main library.

Midnight: Use the Strength Potion!

Ruby: Exactly what I was thinking.

Ruby drinks all of the Strength Potion, then hits the door with all her might, and just in time she busts the door open. They rush past alarms and finally reach the exit of the library. Midnight tries to open the door, but it's locked.

Midnight: Perfect. Just perfect! We're trapped. Unless we can fly, we're never going to make it out in a million years!

Ruby: We still have one more potion up out sleeves! Everyone, take a sip!

Just as Dr. Scar rushes to the main exit, the only thing he sees is two small bats flying out an open window with the scroll, and a baseball bat lying on the floor of the exit. He curses and screams, but eventually walks away. Later that night, the Baseball bat turns into a very confused, small red spider.

Fang: If only Baseball bats had wings... but even Grandma can make homographic mistakes!

Fang climbs up the wall, and jumps out the window into the dark dark night.


  1. LOL! Greeeeeeeat post ^-^ BTW, I just returned from my short vacation yesterday :3 WHOO!!!

    Cupcake: Cool! An invisible potion?! I would love to try that! Oh, yes, yes, yes!!!

    ...Now, as I was saying... I believe that the Mystery Potion (What was it called? Sorry, I forgot, and I'm too lazy to return to the post and read the name again) that Grandma made was some kind of a... uh... "Wish Potion"? Or "Thought Potion"... Something like that, hehe. Ruby and Midnight wished that they could fly away, and they did after drinking the po-

    Cupcake: I would love that potion even more! Oh, yup, yup, yup!!!

    Cupcake, stop your new "tripling the last word" habit...

    Cupcake: Mhm, mhm, mhm!!!

    I am not going to write any of your tripled-words in your blog.

    Cupcake: Oh, fine...

    Good kitty.

  2. Hallo! I'm going to post a certain "special edition" story on Cupcake soon, and was wondering if you would mind if I included Ruby in it. Thanks!

  3. Sorry for the delay, Ruby and I have just come back from a week's holiday. Sure - that sounds brilliant! I look forward to reading this 'special edition'!
