Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ch.5. "Borrowing" from the Library - part.3

Ruby and Midnight lose their 'bat' form caused by the mystery potion as they land in front of the Vampire Lord's gates.  The gates mysteriously open, and a voice asks them to enter.

Midnight: Should I enter? I'm not exactly welcome here...

Ruby: You helped us - no, sorry - helped ME  steal the scroll. You need to come in.

Ruby and Midnight walk into the Vampire Lord's mansion and enter a room with a large table, and a huge window with a perfect view looking over the dark, busy town. The Vampire Lord soon entered with a crash of thunder and lightning.

Vampire Lord: Welcome, my dear children of the night. Have you brought what I requested?

Ruby: Yes, Vampire Lord. We have "borrowed" from the top secret part of the Library in the Golden Forests School. As you asked us to do.

Midnight placed the Ancient Scroll of Secrets on the large table, with a slightly sheepish grin.

Vampire Lord: Well done, Ruby Deathdancer. Your family has once again shown great promise in aiding your kind. And I see young Midnight Darkmoon has decided to join you in this important meeting. Were you not the one who stole my false teeth the other week?

Midnight gave a really sheepish grin at that question.

Vampire Lord: I shall ignore that for the time being. Tell me, children. Have you learned anything... Interesting, on your mission?

Ruby and Midnight looked at each other, then look at the Vampire Lord.

Midnight: There were a group of people in a secret part of the secured library... I think they called themselves R.O.O.S.T. - Rescue...

Vampire Lord: Of Our Sun Temple. Yes, I've heard of them before...  they used to be a problem a few centuries ago.  When you return to the school, I want you to find out when R.O.O.S.T. are planning to make their move on the Sun Temple.

The Vampire Lord looked thoughtful for a minute of two. Then he gave a wave of his hand, as if dismissing them.

Vampire Lord: Well done. Both of you. You should head back home, Ruby. I believe your Grandma is waiting for your return. Midnight, stay a minute longer - I have something to say to you.

Ruby looked at Midnight, then left the room. The was a loud bang and a flash of light before the door behind her closed. She went back home where sure enough, Grandma stood at the doorstep.

Grandma: Good evening, Ruby! Glad you're back safe and sound. Where's Fang?

Ruby: Hello Grandma! Yes, were back safe, and I don't know where Fang is. Probably lost for all I know.

Grandma: If he's lost, you should go look for him!

Ruby: He's a 'Great' tracker, Grandma! I'm sure he doesn't need rescuing...

Just then, Midnight appears beside Ruby's side. He looked very cheerful.

Ruby: Hello, again, Midnight. What did the Vampire Lord say to you?

Midnight:  We had a chat...  it seems that I'm going to join you undercover at Golden Forests School.

Ruby:  Fantastico!

Fang appears at Grandma's front door just as Ruby and Midnight were saying goodbye to Grandma.

Ruby:  Where have you been?  It wasn't that far to fly back - did you get lost?

Fang:  Let's just say, that some bats don't fly...

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Poor Fang :( I wonder how he made his way back though...
