Monday, December 29, 2014

Ch.8. Dragon Egg - part.1

Later that day, Ruby and Fang head back towards Grandma's house and to tell her about what they found. After a little while, they reach the front door and Grandma greets them.

Grandma: Good evening, Ruby! I see Fang hasn't gotten lost this time!

Ruby: Hello Grandma! Yup, Fang is still in one piece and in the right place this time. He even found a book for us to read!

Grandma: Would you like to come in, so I can read it with you?

Fang: Only if you make us sandwiches!

Ruby and Fang enter the house and place the old book on the table and started reading. After a short time, Grandma came in with a tray full of sandwiches for Fang, and sits down next to Ruby.

Grandma: What is that book?

Fang: (eating sandwiches) War Journal... Jerry Littlefeather... stuff and stuff.

Grandma: I see... So this was in the war between us and the UnMythics.

Ruby: Looks that way. The pages are so yellow and torn, it seems like it went through a peanut butter jam waterfall that was full of book eating fish.

Grandma: May I read it for a little while?

Ruby: Sure!

Ruby passes the book to Grandma, and she starts to read. Knowing this wasn't going to take long, Ruby got up and went outside for some evening air. After a while, she went back indoors to see what Grandma had learned.

Grandma: Ruby, You may be interested in this!

Ruby: Maybe, maybe not. What did you find out?

Grandma: "Day 274. We drove the Dragons out of their nesting grounds with regret. The only one who seemed to be enjoying himself, was Captain Irontail. But before the Dragons left, they told us of a prophecy. They said "You may have driven us out, but one day we WILL return. For one day, the egg will hatch, and our champion will arise!". Captain Irontail asked them where they could find it, but the Dragons laughed and said "It is hidden in plain sight. But you will never find it! Even if you do, you can never destroy it!". And with that said, they flew off into the morning skies - not to be seen again for a long, long time. All of us wondered what they meant when they said "Hidden in plain sight"..."

Grandma put down the book and looked at Ruby with a faint smile. A smile which knew something about what the dragons meant.

Grandma: Maybe the dragons meant that no UnMythic could find it, but...

Ruby: (Dramatic Music Sounds!) ...A Vampire!

Fang: (To Narrator:  will you stop doing that!) (To Grandma) But why Vampires? You're nothing more special than the Deep sea Creatures or the Ice Giants!

Narrator:  (To Fang) Sorry, slipped up.

Grandma: Ah, but the Dragons could see thousands of years into the future! Maybe they knew that everyone would have been driven out except Vampires!

Ruby: So... Only a Vampire could find the Dragon Egg?

Grandma: Not so fast! You need more then luck to find the egg. The Dragons gave us a riddle before they left, and we have kept it for nearly two thousand of years.

Ruby: What's the riddle?

Grandma: I only remember part of it. The rest of it is somewhere in the Vampire Lord's Library.

Fang: Well... What DO you remember?

Grandma: "In a sea of trees beyond the mills, a lake awaits on a smallish hill. In a cave full of harden ice, in order to enter you must be mice!".

Ruby: In a sea of trees beyond the mills... Didn't the UnMythics built windmills and waterwheels after they took over?

Fang: And there is a forest right next to them, right?

Grandma: Sounds like you're on the right track! But make sure to ask the Vampire Lord for the rest of the riddle before you scamper off!

Fang: So... R.O.O.S.T. can wait?

Ruby: R.O.O.S.T. can wait. We need to tell Midnight about this AFTER he gets back from his 'Gamer friend'. We'll need his help then.

Ruby and Fang thank Grandma for the help and headed off to the Vampire Lords Mansion. 


  1. You're good at these rhyming prophecy messages. :)

  2. The rhyming prophecies are fun - I have no idea what the other half is going to be yet :)

  3. Hiya! As you know, I have posted the Plushie Reunion post last Tuesday, but I didn't think that I acted Ruby well enough in that post. I'll try to act her out better this time, but I'm not sure how. May you please tell me how I acted Ruby wrongly in the last post, and how I should improve in those wrong points? Thanks!

    1. How would you feel if you had no fur coat, you were covered with snow and your friends were laughing at you? Probably the same as Ruby did! I think you did a great job and can't think of any way to improve on it. Great Reunion Post!

  4. The Real Comment: I think that the 'egg' is Ruby herself! Since the dragons seems like great riddle-masters, perhaps 'egg' doesn't really refer to a real 'egg' when they said it. Also, when they said "It is hidden in plain sight. But you will never find it! Even if you do, you can never destroy it!" Since a vamparoo looks just like any other normal kangaroo, it might solve what they meant by 'hidden in plain sight'. As for "But you will never find it! Even if you do, you can never destroy it!", the UnMythics can never find the 'egg' because it may not look like what they thought that it would. They can never destroy it either, because they wouldn't suspect a normal vamparoo as a dangerous 'champion egg'.

    P.S. These are just guesses ^.^

    1. Good guesses! Technically I don't know either yet - so we'll just have to wait and see :)
