Monday, December 22, 2014

Ch.7. History comes alive - part.1

Sapphire and Fang enter the main library and walk around for a bit.

Fang: I remember this place! It drives me batty just thinking about it.

Sapphire: So... what are we looking for, exactly? Anything in particular?

Fang: I don't know. A book, a piece of paper, anything that could help, really.

Sapphire: Hmm... I need a little more information than that... What's the backstory of it all? How did it all start in the first place?

Fang: I don't know that, either. I know some other people do, but not me. All I know is that a group called R.O.O.S.T. trying to do something to our kind.

Sapphire: Wow. Your a lot of help! How did you even get into this mission, anyway?

Fang: Umm... I had a useful talent for sneaking in undetected?

Sapphire: Yeah, I can see how that's useful.

Sapphire and Fang find themselves in the restricted part of the library, and find a big heavy door that seemed to have been knocked down by a strong force.

Sapphire: One of your friends did this?

Fang: You could say that.

Sapphire: Who on earth is strong enough to bust down a door like that?!

Fang: We... well... had a 'little' help from someone...

Sapphire and Fang enter and walk down the stairs to where R.O.O.S.T.'s headquarters were held. They started searching for something that could help them. Eventually, Sapphire finds a dusty old book hidden under the table.

Sapphire: Hey, dream spider! Found a dusty old booked titled "War Journal", by someone called... Jerry... Littlefeather?

Fang scurried over to where Sapphire was, and after a bit if dusting, Sapphire opened the book and starting reading.

Sapphire: "Day 7. After Captain Irontail marched off with half of the commanders to argue more land from the Vampires, the rest of us just want to go home to our families. Even after the big earthquake that destroyed our homeland, this island just doesn't feel safe. Most of us don't want more land than we needed to, and said so to the Captain. But he just won't listen. I fear the Vampires won't be pleased if they hear Captain Irontail wants more land than they need from them...".

Sapphire looks at Fang with a worried look, and turned some pages, and kept reading.

Sapphire: "Day 19. Its been almost three weeks since Captain Irontail started his arguments with the Vampire Lord - Lloyd Silvertooth...".

Fang: Lord Silvertooth? He died over 1750 years ago!

Sapphire: How do you know that? How does a spider from dreamland know about an ancient ruler from about two millennia ago?

Fang: I'm good with history. With math, however, it's a whole different story.

Sapphire: "...Night after night, while the Captain is gone, some of us are already talking about war with the Vampires... The Vampires are caring creatures who help and care for those in need, and are even willing to give us enough land to survive, and thrive! But some of us fear they have another side... a side so dark, not even our imaginations know how to describe it...".

Sapphire turned some more pages and began to read some more.

Sapphire: "Day 36. Captain Irontail has ordered us to carve bows from cinnamon trees and to find rare rainbow stones. He says this will help us get more land, and for us to reunite with our families in our new home. Half of us protested and tried to reason with him. But he's more stubborn than a mule heaving a big box full of stones. All of us want to be with our families, but most of us don't want to go to war with the Vampires... What if this goes out of control? What will happen if they win?  What would happen if WE win? So many questions, but so few answers...".

Sapphire looked off into the distance for a while, as if in deep thought. After some time, she looked at Fang.

Sapphire: My mother always taught me to never trust Vampires... to hate them for very little reasons... to always fight with them... But this book... it tells a story of Vampires being friendly... and actually caring for us... like we were a brother, or a sister to them...

Sapphire looked at the old, dusty book she was holding. Wondering.

Sapphire: Perhaps... Mother was wrong? Could she have been lying to me all this time?...

Fang glanced at the book, then back at Sapphire.

Fang: Do you want to continue reading?

Sapphire: Yes. Let's keep reading.

Sapphire and Fang read that book for a little while, until Fang asked what was for lunch. So Sapphire slipped out with Fang, and the book of many mysteries.

1 comment:

  1. Hiwao hiwao! jumbo! aloha! hola! hi! I got an idea, of ur looking back at this applestorm. MAKE A CONTEST. anonymous must say their AJ usernames and what their plushie look like and act like. ppl who have one of those accounts can just say what their plushie looks and acts like. u choose some or one of them to feature in one OR MORE of your posts! I feature mine if u do it or if u want me to do it now on this post. -d66864 my user
