Friday, December 5, 2014

Ch.6. Fang is Useful - part.1

After a little bit of rest from their mission, Ruby, Fang and Midnight head back out to the Golden Forests school.

Midnight: What is school like?

Ruby: Interesting and weird. You can't even go ten minutes without bumping into someone!

Midnight: How long have you been going there?

Ruby: Only a day. Oh! And if you see a pink leopard, make sure to steal something from her!

Midnight: Why?

Ruby: umm... She's got a lot of money?

Ruby, Fang and Midnight enter the school. Midnight seemed to be watching everyone for something. But before she could ask him why, they crashed into some black wolves.

Ruby: SEE??? Can't even go ten minutes!

Rocky: Sorry! Didn't see you there! Hope you're not hurt...?

Midnight:! Watch where you're going, mu...

Ruby shoved Midnight into a wall before he could say anything else.

Ruby: (whispering) Shut it! We're trying not to make enemies here! And that goes for you too! Only insult them if they insult you first.

Ruby turned back to the black wolves.

Ruby: Sorry about that! My friend here is a little... hot headed...

Manic (Black wolf with lightning mark): Thats ok! We haven't been properly introduced yet. I'm Manic, and this is my older brother, Rocky!

Ruby: I'm Ruby!

Midnight cleared his throat.

Ruby: And he's Midnight... (Whispering to Manic) We're kind of new here!

Manic: Understood. Hey, Midnight! If you want too, we could play a video game together later on?

Midnight looked confused and looked at Ruby. Ruby nodded her head and Midnight faced Manic.

Midnight: Sure! Maybe sometime after school...?

Manic: Great! We could meet back here after Mrs. Breeze's class!

Fang popped out of Ruby's backpack at that second.

Fang: Hey Ruby? Can I ask you something?

Ruby: No.

Ruby pushed Fang back into her backpack. Just at that moment, a bell rang.

Rocky: We better get going. See you around!

Rocky and Manic ran up some stairs and out of sight. Ruby and Midnight did the same as they entered Mrs. Redleaf's class.

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