Monday, December 8, 2014

Ch.6. Fang is Useful - part.2

Ruby and Midnight rushed towards Mrs Redleaf's class, when Ruby suddenly stopped in front of the door.

Midnight: Why did we stop? Forgot the way to the class?

Ruby: No. But if we want to learn all their secrets, wouldn't it be better if we just split up? We could learn more that way, and find more weaknesses quicker!

Midnight: You have a point. But where should I go? It's not like I know this place like the back of my hand or anything...

Ruby: Do what I did! Find a door with a lot of kids through it! It isn't THAT hard, Y'know.

Midnight: Catch you later, then?

Ruby: Right back atcha!

Midnight dashed down the hall to search for another classroom. Ruby entered Mrs. Redleaf's class and took a seat just as the class was starting.

Mrs. Redleaf: Good morning, class! Remember, Tomorrow is our Science excursion! But we need to vote on where we're going to go. Who votes for...

Just then, Mr. Stonecloud banged the door open and yelled for attention. Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Mrs. Redleaf: Mr. Stonecloud, do you have a announcement for my class?

Mr. Stonecloud: I do. Last night, some thieves broke into the restricted part of the library, and stole something valuable! 'They' didn't get more than a glimpse of the thieves, but 'they' suspect them to be shape-shifting monsters! If ANYONE sees something strange, report back to me.

Mr. Stonecloud slams the door behind him and stomps off to his class.

Mrs. Redleaf: Now children. Who votes for us to go to the Rainbow Waterfalls?

Meanwhile, Midnight walks into a class full of comfy chairs and pillows. A tan colored arctic wolf looks up from the blackboard, and smiles at Midnight.

Mrs. Breeze (Tan arctic wolf): Hallo, lad! You're new here, aintcha? My name's Mrs. Breeze. Please! Take a seat an' we'll get class a-started!

Midnight sat down on a beanbag and waited for the strange teacher to start class. Just then, the door opened, and some kids walked into the room. One of them looked at Midnight, and didn't look that pleased.

Richard (Gray Leopard): What do you think you're doing there? That's my seat!

Midnight: Really? I didn't see any names. Unless your name's beanbag, I'm not moving!

Richard: You must have nine lives - otherwise, why would you challenge me?

Midnight: I'm not afraid to fight someone like you!

Richard: You think you're sooo tough...

Mrs. Breeze: Enough! Richard, I'm ashamed of you. Ye should know bettah' then to make trouble wi' someone new to this here school! Now, sit down somewhere else! It won't be t' end of thee world if ye sit somewhere else.

The class laughed at Mrs. Breeze's joke as Midnight smirked as Richard and his gang took other seats, and they glared back in return.

Mrs. Breeze: Right - time t' get started on t'adjectives, and how t' spell t' wee mongrels!

Midnight: (thinks to himself) 'Yawn' - boring!  Well, at least the chairs are comfy...

And so the morning passed at Golden Forests School with the Vamp pair learning very little that was new.

Fang: (to the Narrator)  So why did you put us in these classes then?

Narrator: What?

Fang: (to the Narrator) Well, we're stuck here, the plot isn't progressing, there's no sandwiches in sight, and lunch is just around the corner!

Narrator:  Ah ha!  Don't get bored yet wee Fang - you will have to save the day shortly!

Fang:  Oh dear.

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