Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ch.7. History comes alive - part.2

While Sapphire and Fang went to the library, Ruby and Midnight kept running. Eventually, Midnight stopped and looked around.

Midnight: Ruby! Do you know where on earth we are?

Ruby skidded to a halt and look back at Midnight.

Ruby: Course I do!

Midnight: Do you know how we get back to the staircase where we left Fang?

Ruby: Haven't the foggiest.

Midnight: But I thought you said you knew where we were!

Ruby: I do! At Golden Forests School! South-East from our village!

Midnight: I know that! But WHERE in Golden Forests School?!

Ruby: I don't know. Haven't been this deep into the school!

Midnight: So we're lost.

Ruby: Technically yes.

Midnight: Great. Lost in a place full of UnMythics. Just great.

Ruby: Let's keep running. No harm if we keep exploring the place for a while!

Midnight: What if we run into another teacher?

Ruby: If we're lucky, we won't.

Midnight: You do seem to get lucky whenever I'm around.

Ruby: Then that's settled!

Ruby and Midnight started running again. After some time, they stopped to have a bit of a rest.

Midnight: We're going to be stuck here forever!

Ruby: No we're not! We just need to keep running, and eventually we'll get to the place where we started!

Midnight: How do YOU know that?

Ruby: From experience, buildings are either square, rectangular, or round. No matter the shape, eventually you will end up in the same place where you started!

Midnight: When did you get so smart?

Ruby: Since I started reading picture books.

Midnight: Great... being schooled by a girl...

Ruby: If you're learning something, the appropriate place would have to be a school!

Ruby and Midnight stopped resting and starting running again. After five minutes, They find the place where Ruby threw Fang.

Ruby: See! What did I tell you?

Midnight: You told me if you're run in a building long enough, you will eventually end up where you started.

Ruby: My point has been made. So where is...

Ruby quickly grabbed hold of Midnight and pushed him into the back wall.

Midnight: (whispering) What now?!

Ruby: (whispering) It's Sapphire! Shes with Fang! And they seem to be talking...

Midnight: (whispering) Isn't that a good thing? Fang is still alive!

Ruby: (whispering) Fang may be alive. But for how long?...

Ruby looked at Sapphire and Fang for a few more seconds.

Ruby: (whispering) Midnight! She won't know you! Go out and try to get Fang back without her being alarmed!

Before Midnight could say anything, Ruby pushed him out of the corner where they were hiding.

Fang: Oh, Hi Midnight!

Midnight: Um... Hi, Fang!

Sapphire: So, dream spider. You seem to have a name and some secret friends you didn't tell me about! Introduce me to him.

Fang: Sapphire, this is Midnight! Midnight, this is Sapphire!

Midnight: Uh, hi!

Sapphire: G'day, Midnight. Pleased to meet you. I see you made it to this mission as well!

Midnight: Well... yeah. Why wouldn't I?

Fang: We found a War Journal the boss might be interested in! Show him, Sapphire!

Sapphire put down the old book for Midnight to see.

Midnight: A War Journal? We're trying to find out what R.O.O.S.T. Is planning! Not what happened in the war!

Fang: I know, but there might be some clues in here!

Sapphire tossed the book to Midnight.

Sapphire: Tell me if you find anything interesting! And let me read that book once in a while, Kay?

Sapphire walked away down the hall into the crowd, letting Ruby to come out of her Hiding place.

Ruby: Fang, I'm impressed! You didn't die AND you got us a book!

The bell rang again, so Ruby and Midnight dashed off to find different classes.


  1. spida spida spida spida spida spida spida spida spida spida spida spida spida idk spida why spida I spida did spida this spida weeeee spida spida spida spida spida. (spider spider spider spider spider spider spider spider spider) (spida is a spider)
