Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ch.8. Dragon Egg - part.2

Ruby and Fang enter the Vampire Lord's mansion and into the library to search for the rest of the riddle.

Fang: When do you think Midnight will come back?

Ruby: I have no idea. He might come back in hours, or seconds.

Just then, a streak of black and white light shows and Midnight crashes into a bookshelf.

Ruby: Hey! We were just talking about you!

Midnight: Glad to hear. So, found anything R.O.O.S.T. worthy?

Fang: Actually, we're looking for a Dragon Egg!

Ruby: But we need to find the rest of the riddle before we can go. We will need your help, so you're coming along with us!

Fang: And before I forget to ask, how was your 'Game' with Manic?

Midnight: Interesting.

Ruby: ... Thats it?

Midnight: Hard to explain.

They kept searching for the rest of the riddle until Midnight found a history book about Dragons. They searched through the book until they found the riddle.

Ruby: May I?

Midnight: Be my guest!

Ruby: "In a sea of trees beyond the mills, a lake awaits on a smallish hill. In a cave full of hardened ice, in order to enter you must be mice! Claws of a hawk and scales of a snake, even the mountains quiver and shake! Unless you befriend one of fire...".

Ruby turns the page and looks confused.

Midnight: ... Is there any more?

Ruby: ... It seems as if... the rest of the page is torn out... I can't read the rest of the riddle!

Midnight: Well that's great! Who on earth would want to rip a page out of a book like this!?

Ruby: It looks like it was cut with a knife...

Fang: But we got most of the riddle! I'm sure we can figure the rest of it without the last part!

Ruby: Hmm... Maybe you're right... We can go head off and search for the Dragon Egg now, I guess.

Midnight: But... Where do we start?

Ruby: "In a sea of trees beyond the mills,". You know the place where the UnMythics built windmills and waterwheels?

Midnight: Yup!

Ruby: That's where were heading. Come on!

So Ruby, Fang and Midnight started dashing through the forests and into the grasslands where the windmills and waterfalls were.

Midnight: ... Now what?

Ruby: "a lake awaits on a smallish hill.".

Fang: ... Give me a second!

Fang scurries up a waterwheel looks out into the forest. Suddenly, he jumps down next to Ruby.

Fang: I saw a hill! Past the forest, leftish to the mountains! You can still see it easily from here!

Ruby: The trails hot and getting hotter!

Ruby, Fang and Midnight started speeding through the forest again to where the lake was.

Midnight: Theres nothing I love more than fresh twilight forest wood in the middle of the evening!

Fang: What's the next part?

Ruby: "In a cave full of hardened ice, in order to enter you must be mice!"...

Midnight: Cave full of hardened ice? Do they mean unburnable ice?

Ruby: (Mumbling) I don't think so...

Fang: I don't see any cave entrances anywhere!

Midnight: I don't see... Wait, right there!

Midnight points to a entrance covered in snow and ice. They look into the passageway and stare into dark blackness. Dramatic music starts to surround them. 

Fang: (to the narrator)  Oh stop it already.

After a while, Ruby takes a silent step in, and then Midnight with Fang follow.

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