Thursday, January 1, 2015

Ch.8. Dragon Egg - part.3

Ruby, Fang and Midnight walk silently down the cold dark tunnel until they were in the middle of a cave full of beautiful blue crystals that shone like stars.

Ruby: (Hushed whispering) These crystals... The riddle didn't mean actual ice, but something similar to ice!

Fang: (Normal voice) Pretty!

There was a blast of Fangs voice saying "Pretty!"'s as it bounced on the walls and came back in a deafening loud noise to the Vampires. They tried to block out the sound, but it was too painfully loud. Finally, dead silence fell in that cave. Ruby and Midnight glare at Fang and continued to walk silently.

Midnight: (hushed whispering) Now I understand why it said "In order to enter you must be mice!"

Ruby: (hushed whispering) Yeah! Make a sound louder than a whisper, and it'll all bounce back in a ear pounding noise!

They crept softly for what seemed like ages, until they came to a room full of lava. Suddenly, something jumped out of the lava and landed near Ruby.

Blaze (Fire Creature): Who are you? Why have you come here?

Midnight: We.. uhmm....

Ruby: We seek for the Dragon Egg!

Blaze: Really?

Ruby: Yes.

Blaze: Well... I cannot tell you where it is until you answer three riddles!

Midnight: (whispering to Ruby) The Dragons must have LOVED riddles...!

Ruby: Ok... What are the riddles?

Blaze: Sharp fangs with a attitude to match, cold blooded yet still hatched! What am I?

Midnight: Easy! A snake.

Blaze: Correct!

Fang: What's the second one?

Blaze: Eyes like a eagle and faster than deer, some of the animals speak of us in fear! What am I?

Ruby: Hawk!

Blaze: Correct!

Midnight: (whispering to Ruby) This is too easy!

Blaze: And the final question... Like tiny moons we shine so bright, you can sometimes see us in evening light! We race against each other in the night, until we fly right out of sight! What am I?

Ruby and Midnight look at each other in confusion, until Fang speaks up.

Fang: It's Stars.

Blaze: Correct! You have passed the test!

Ruby: How did YOU know that?!

Fang: The Dragons Royal symbol was a shooting star! And when they shoot across the sky, its like their racing each other!

Ruby:  Fang, you NEVER cease to surprise me!

Blaze: Now. Do you have some Hawk claws and some Snake scales I could use?

Midnight searched through his bag until he found some Hawk claws and Snake scales.

Midnight: Stole them during the week! Thought they may be useful...!

Midnight handed over the items to the Fire Creature.

Fang: ... Now what?

Blaze: Wait a minute.

So they waited for a minute. Finally, when the moon was just shining down into the room through a small astronomically designed hole in the roof, the Fire Creature tossed the Hawk claws and Snake scales into the lava. Only a few seconds later, there was a explosion and a once invisible egg showed itself to the Vampires. The Fire Creature gave the egg to Ruby.

Blaze: The time is drawing near. When the Egg has fully hatched, THEN the real war will start...!

Ruby: The real war?

The Fire Creature tossed a mysterious powder over the Vampires, and they vanished in the smoke. 

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