Sunday, January 25, 2015

Happy Australia Day

Or, Happy Straya Mate! as its known around here. Here's Ruby, Sapphire, Midnight, Pandora and Stella when they are looking slightly less plushy! In other words, without their makeup on! Oh, and Fang seems to have escaped from the backpack again!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! You can expect more pictures from me in the future! :)

  2. ZELDA!!!! When are you going on sso again? :) o3o

    1. Probably at 5:00 PM. I would have answered in mail yesterday, but it kept saying MAIL_SEND_ERROR.

  3. Hi Zelda! We can have a bbq on tuesday because tomorrow is my swimming lesson. Then we could possibly find the UFO crash site and there is a maze of wooden bridges there. I would love to take some screenshots of us there. We could also do some rps, youtube videos, meeting and some races. I am sorry today I logged out but it was a connection error then my parents said I had to log out but I already had so sorry for not saying bye!

    1. That's ok! Around the same time I also crashed. I'll see you as soon as possible! :)
