Thursday, January 15, 2015

Ch.11. Do you know which end of the sword to hold on to? - part.2

Melody gives a sword to Ruby and Midnight.

Melody: Ok! So this will be your first sword fighting lesson! Do you know which end of the sword to hold on to?

Midnight: Was that meant to be funny?

Melody: Haha, sorry! Couldn't resist! In all seriousness, the swords are real. So I would be careful.

Ruby: Why would training swords be real?

Melody: Didn't you play with wooden swords when you were younger?

Ruby: My elder brothers wouldn't allow me to play with them. Never learned how to fight with swords, so I had to use my brains and swiftness instead!

Midnight: What did I say about a minute ago?

Melody: Sorry! We'll start with a basic parry attack. Watch this!

Melody grabs a sword on the ground and grips it in her claws. She dashes forward, then back. After repeating this a few times, she looks back at Ruby and Midnight.

Melody: A friendly reminder before you start practicing - Make sure you have enough room to fight in, or you could hurt someone by accident!

Ruby and Midnight copied Melody's example for a few minutes. After a while, Melody told them to stop.

Melody: Good parrys! Lets try a simple sword attack. Jack!

Jack slowly made his way over to where they were.

Jack: What is it now...?

Melody: I'm teaching them sword attacks and defenses. I need your help in the next lesson I'm about to show them!

Jack: What do I have to do...?

Melody: First, take my sword.

Melody chucked her sword to where Jack was standing, and then she borrowed Midnight's sword. Jack moved over to a different spot and faced Melody.

Melody: Make sure you take notes, you two! This is important!

Melody and Jack stared at each other for what seemed like a minute. Suddenly, Melody charged at Jack, slashing the sword down upon his sword. Melody and Jack did this for a few minutes before stopping.

Melody: Did you see any patterns?

Midnight: You guys always seemed to raise your swords down upon the others sword.

Melody: You'd be correct! Do you know why?

Ruby: Is it because you get to push your sword downwards, allowing you to get more of a advantage?

Melody: Yup! This may also make us a vulnerable in some places, but with the proper training, even THAT'S not much of a problem!

Midnight: Do you know what's the time?

Jack: Judging by how low the sun is, I would guess nearly sunset.

Midnight looked up at the sky for a few minutes - as if in deep thought. Finally, he looked back at Ruby.

Midnight: You can continue training without me... I need to... do something "important"...!

Jack: Not a good idea, mate. Slash is going to have your head if you leave in the middle of your daily training!

Midnight: I'm sure he won't notice. Even if he does, It's not as if he could really do anything to me.

Jack: You're fearless, and I like that about you. But if you do this more then once, you will get reckless. That's not a good thing.

Midnight: I'm sorry, but I got something important I must get to!

Without waiting for a answer, Midnight dashed off and out of the training grounds in a cloud of dust.

Ruby: ... Do you think Slash saw that?

Melody: With any luck he won't know he's gone. But just in case, I suggest we continue training - just like NOTHING happened!

Ruby continued sword fighting with Melody and Jack. And in the deeper part of the Vampire Village, Midnight sat waiting in the shadows.

Midnight: I hope they can forgive me one day...

Midnight quickly dashed further into the dark dark streets of the village.


  1. Eek... "I hope they can forgive me one day...", was that something to do with M.O.S.T? ...Perhaps they were furious at Midnight for telling Ruby and Fang about them? ...Or perhaps Midnight really did return the items to the girls? ...Or perhaps it's something even more serious than that! Eeek...

    Don't worry, I won't play the invisible instruments this time! >:D

    1. Invisible instruments are fun to play! :)

      M.O.S.T, as Midnight said is a secret thieves club. Even if He's only known Ruby for a few days, I think he trusts her more then he thinks...

      *Starts playing invisible drum set with air sticks*

    2. Hmm... *Methinks* Perhaps that means that he believes that Ruby wouldn't tell M.O.S.T that he told her about them, or he trusts Ruby enough to go against the M.O.S.T rules and return the items to the girls? Oh, so many questions...

      Looking forward to the next post!

      *Joins in the invisible instruments band and starts playing invisible king-sized grand piano*



      (Sorry, i was reading about the "ermehgurd meme." translation: Oh my god! Midnight is gonna do something REAL bad!)

  2. I just found your story blog and I think it's super awesome! Keep up the good work :D

  3. Applestorm, when you said in the beginning of the comments "He may trust her more" blah blah not saying it all srry. I think there is a club called L.O.V.E HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

  4. Midnight and Ruby sittin in a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G Vampire Lord: I have an operation, it's called operation L.O.V.E HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHAH!
