Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ch.13. Back on track - part.2

Ruby and Buttercup walked into Mrs. Redleaf's class just as the bell rang. They both took seats next to each other.

Buttercup: We all had a great time at the Rainbow Waterfalls! I didn't see you with the group, though. Didn't you come?

Ruby: No. I didn't go on the field trip.

Buttercup: Why?

Ruby: ... Because I didn't want to.

Just at that moment, Victoria and her friend marched into the room chatting about something.

Victoria: Can you believe it? Why would they do such a thing to me!

Elizabeth: You are practically the richest girl in the world! Only THEY would want to steal from the best of the best! What did they steal?

Ruby got down from her chair and walked over to where Victoria was talking.

Victoria: ... Some candles, some one of a kind rings, not to mention a few junky clocks, but nothing important was taken.

Ruby: Um, excuse me? What are you talking about?

Elizabeth: Isn't it obvious? Victoria's house was robbed!

 Ruby: By who...?

Victoria: I don't know. A black cheetah walked into my bedroom last night and told me that three thieves were stealing stuff from my house!

Ruby: Is that so...?

Elizabeth: Yeah! He also said if the thieves found out she was awake, they would kill her!

Ruby: hm... Did the black cheetah looked like Midnight?

Victoria: Whose Midnight?

Ruby: Um... The guy who stole your stuff yesterday!

Victoria: Oh yeah! Him... He DID kinda look like him in some ways...

Ruby: Ok! That's all I wanted to know.

Ruby walked back over to her seat.

Buttercup: What was that all about?

Ruby: Some thieves broke into Victoria's house last night and took a few things.

Buttercup: ... And?

Ruby: And Victoria claimed that a "Black Cheetah" warned her that if they found her awake they would kill her.

Buttercup: But that's horrible!

Ruby: Yeah, it kinda is...

Buttercup: How can you take this so lightly?

Ruby: ... Just thinking about something that happened last night...

Just then, Mrs. Redleaf enters the room and walks over to the blackboard and starts writing stuff.

Ruby: (thinking) Midnight and the thieves that broke into Victoria's house must be connected in some ways... Just HOW is the question...

Ruby wondered about it for a while.

Ruby: (thinking) ... Yeah. I'm sure of it... Midnight must be connected to the thieves in some way or other... I need to ask him a few more questions when we meet again...

Ruby thinks deep thoughts until the bell rang again, announcing it was lunch time. 


  1. Uh oh... Watch out, Midnight. >:)

  2. Oh no, Midnight, your in deep trouble!

  3. *grabs a pie*

    *smacks it into Midnight's face*

    RUN! RUBY'S GONNA GET U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
