Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ch.9. Sharpen Your Swords - part.1

Ruby, Fang and Midnight find themselves at the Vampire Lord's meeting room. Just then, there was a crash of thunder and lightning and the Vampire Lord opened the doors with a loud bang.

Vampire Lord: Greetings, young Vampires... There have been whispers of your success in finding the Dragon Egg. And I see you have met the wise Fire Creature, Blaze!

Midnight: How did you know that we found the Dragon Egg? And how do you know that strange Creature?

Vampire Lord: The Nightingale told me. As of the Fire Creature, we have known each other for hundreds of years...!

Ruby: ... Where should we keep the Dragon Egg?

Vampire Lord: Do not worry about that. It is safe with you, as long as you stay true to the Vampires Call.

Fang: The Fire Creature... Blaze, as you call him... He told us that when the Egg has fully hatched, the true war would start... What does that mean? We have already been at war once! Does he mean we would have to fight all over again?

Vampire Lord: We don't know what he means by that, but maybe it is better to leave that for the future.

Midnight: Well... If there will be a war, shouldn't we at least start training for a fight? We would at least be prepared and ready to go to battle at a heartbeat!

Vampire Lord: Many Vampire youths have been training for years already. If you think you need training, just come and talk to me and I'll take care of the rest.

Ruby: If you think we would need training, we can start as soon as possible! Tonight, if we got time!

Vampire Lord: I'll see you when your ready. Right now I believe your Grandma is waiting for you!

Ruby, Fang and Midnight head back to Grandma's house. As they entered, they find Grandma reading the War Journal. Grandma looks up from the old book, and smiles a welcome to them.

Grandma: Hello! Glad to see that you're back from your quest to find the Dragon Egg!

Ruby: Hi Grandma. Yes, we're back from our little quest - and a quick visit to the Vampire Lord!

Midnight: You don't think it's strange that we were in that strange cave with the creature, and then we are at the Vampire Lord's Mansion?

Ruby: Just a little bit. But I'm sure there are stranger things!

Grandma: Where do you plan on keeping that Dragon Egg?

Ruby: I don't know... I was thinking your potion lab, where it could be a little warmer and safe!

Grandma: I can't see why you can't keep it there for a while.

Midnight: ... I feel like we should start our training for the war... Or at least do something to help!

Grandma: Well, no time like the present! Go tell the Vampire Lord you want to be trained!

Ruby: Well...

Midnight: How hard could it possibly be?

Fang: Very hard for all we know.

Ruby: Fine. Lets go and see the first lesson or so.

Ruby and Midnight head back to the Vampire Lord's Mansion for some training.