Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ch.12. Theft or truth - part.3

After training with Melody and Jack, Ruby started to walk on home. On the way, Pandora ran up to Ruby in the middle of the night markets.

Pandora: Hi Ruby! Haven't seen you in a while!

Ruby: Hi Pandora. I guess we both have been too busy with our missions to see each other! Anything new with you?

Pandora: Nope. The kids at my school are strange. Who on earth would want to hide poor spiders and bugs in other students backpacks?

Ruby: Because its funny?

Pandora: Funny for you, weird for me. Would you do that to Fang?

Ruby: You bet I would!

Pandora: ... Anyway. We should do something fun tonight!

Ruby: Sorry, I'm looking for a friend of mine.

Pandora: The only friends I recall you had were me and Jett.

Ruby: Actually, this friend... he's more of an ally.

Pandora: Really...?

Ruby: Yeah. He's helping me in my mission. We were both training together until he said he had something important to do and dashed off.

Pandora: Mysterious in many ways, this "ally" of yours. Whats his name?

Ruby: Well... You know Midnight Darkmoon?

Pandora: He's one of the local thieves in the night markets, right?

Ruby: Yeah... That's him.

Pandora: ...

Ruby: ... Something wrong?

Pandora: ... So what you're saying is that a good for nothing thief is your ally in a mission for the Vampire Lord...

Ruby: I needed someone that knew how to steal stuff!

Pandora: So you chose him?

Ruby: I didn't know any other thieves.

Pandora: ...

Ruby: I need to ask him some questions when I find him.

Pandora: Can't you forget about him for a little while? Just long enough so we can do something fun?

Ruby: ... What kind of fun...

Ruby spots Midnight putting coins in his pockets, a little way off from where they were.

Ruby: Hey Midnight!

Midnight looks up, as if almost scared of something.

Ruby: Come on, Midnight! Don't be that kind of guy! Get over here!

Midnight slowly walks over to where Ruby and Pandora were talking.

Midnight: Uh... Hi, Ruby...

Ruby: Where have you been, Midnight?

Midnight: Um... No where?

Ruby: You don't fool me, Midnight. You said you had "something important" to do. So where did you go?

Midnight: Um... repaying a debt I owe to someone?

Ruby: ... I'll take your word for now. But I want a better answer out of you later!

Pandora: ... You going to introduce me, Ruby?

Ruby: Sorry! Midnight, This is my best friend Pandora. Pandora, This is Midnight.

Midnight steps backwards, almost dazed.

Pandora: ... Something wrong with me?

Midnight: Uh... Nothing! Nothings wrong with me.. I mean, you... Just...

Midnight slowly steps backwards then quickly turns around and runs.

Pandora: ... What's wrong with him?

Ruby: I may have only known him for a few days, but he's never acted like this before... Does he know you?

Pandora: Never talked to him in my life. Although...

Ruby: ... What?

Pandora: ... It's probably nothing.

Ruby: Ok... If you want to say something to me, don't be shy!

Pandora: Yeah... I'll remember that offer.

Ruby and Pandora continued talking until they reached Grandma's house. After they said goodbye to each other, Pandora went home. A little later that night, deep in the shadows, Midnight was hiding.

Midnight: (thinking) She doesn't recognize me... Lets hope Patrick doesn't find out she's in this part of town, either.

Midnight sat thinking in the darkness for what seemed like hours. Finally, he got up.

Midnight: (thinking) I should've told the truth... too late now... Can't go back...

Midnight slipped deeper into the shadows and out of sight.


  1. Hmm... *Takes out professor-like spectacle frames without lenses in between* *Ahem* *Speaks in an overexaggerated formal voice* According to the information that we have been told by the one that we have just read, Midnight probably knows Pandora. *Normal voice* I wonder... wonder... wonder... WONDER... Wonder what they are planning to do to Pandora. I just hope that it's nothing too serious, though... If it is, I really, really, REALLY hope that Midnight tells Ruby about all this before anything happens. Dun, dun, dun...

    1. Knowing Midnight, it probably is serious... And if he does do something without telling Ruby, he might regret that for the rest of his life.

  2. When are you going to post part 3??

  3. *gasp*

