Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ch.13. Back on track - part.1

Early the next morning, Ruby and Fang headed back to the Golden Forests school. Halfway there, Midnight caught up to them panting.

Midnight: Why didn't you wait for me?

Ruby: You have been so secretive last night, it was obvious you didn't want me to see what you were doing... So I doubted you wanted to see me this morning.

Midnight: I'm SORRY... There! I said it. Happy?

Ruby: I'm glad you said sorry, but that's not what I want.

Midnight: Then what DO you want?

Ruby: An explanation! Where on earth did you go?

Midnight: I already told you! Repaying a debt I owe to someone!

Ruby: ...

Midnight: ... You don't believe me, do you?

Ruby: Not really, no.

Midnight: ... Fine. Believe what you want. After all, I'm only a "good for nothing thief".

Ruby stayed silent until they reached the schools entrance.

Ruby: ... If you keep lying like this, those words of yours will come back to bite you...

Ruby walks away from Midnight and greets Buttercup. They both walk away talking. Midnight sighs and walks down another hall.

Fang: What's up?

Midnight turns around and sees Fang following him.

Midnight: Fang, what are you doing here? You're meant to STAY in Ruby's backpack!

Fang: She always shoves me back in that thing whenever I try to ask her a question!

Midnight: Well, you're a talking spider. Most people don't like spiders because you're handsome, smart, and you help us by keeping bugs under control!

Fang: Really...?

Midnight: ... Ok, the first two were true.

Fang: ...

Midnight: I'm being honest.

Fang: I know, but... were you really lying to Ruby?

Midnight: You heard?

Fang: I hear EVERYTHING.

Midnight: ... I know if I say what's on my mind to you, you will tell Ruby about it.

Fang: No I won't!

Midnight: Believe me Fang. I've been with Ruby long enough to know not to trust you with secrets.

Fang: ...

Midnight and Fang walked around the halls until they heard a bell ringing.

Midnight: Now listen to me Fang... You will go back to Ruby and say NOTHING about me... Ok?

Fang: Why would I do that?

Midnight: Because if you don't I WILL turn you into a sandwich... and there isn't going to be any bread included!

Fang: ... Ok, see you later!

Fang scurried off down the halls at top speeds. Midnight opens a door leading to Mrs. Breeze's class, and walks in.

Mrs. Breeze: Aye, Midnight M'lad! Happy t' see ya still in one piece!

Midnight: Why do you say that?

Mrs. Breeze: Och! Sorry lad. Forgot to mention it t' ye earlier! Y'know the low lad who had a wi' bit o' a fight with ya?

Midnight: Yeah...?

Mrs. Breeze: He be t' bully of this here school. Can't stand it when he can't get his own way. Strongest out of every one, too! So when he saw ye' be sittin' in his favorite seat, he nearly blew his top right off!

Midnight: I've noticed.

Mrs. Breeze: Och, sure ye' have! He's also a fair joker in this here class as well! Always whispering to kids tryin' to spell, tossing around paper airplanes... You could almost quit ye' job with him around!

Midnight: So why do you let him take advantage of your class?

Mrs. Breeze: I don't! I try me best to quiet em down but everything I seem t' say just goes in an' over their heads! It's like they can't even hear me!

Midnight: Where is this going...?

Mrs. Breeze: What I'm tryin' t' say is that I need your help to at least... calm them down a lil' bit. Teach em' a lesson they won't be forgettin' in a long time!

Midnight: Why me? Can't you just ask someone else to do it?

Mrs. Breeze: You stood up t' em when no one else would! Don't ye see, lad? Every other kid here is afraid of them! All except you!

Midnight: ... I'll see about it...

Mrs. Breeze: And IF you are successful, I won't give ye' any spellin' homework!

Midnight: No spelling homework? Now this is a offer I REALLY can't refuse!

Mrs. Breeze: Up and at em' boy! I knew I could count on ye!

Mrs. Breeze turned back to her blackboard and Midnight sat down on a beanbag. A second bell rang and a lot more kids flooded in.


  1. Hmm... Ruby sounded... angry. Really fed up with Midnight. I just got a feeling that she would toss him out of her mission for the Vampire Lord, but I'm not sad about tossing Midnight out right now. In fact, to be frank, I kinda support tossing him out. Just like Ruby said, "If you keep lying like this, those words of yours will come back to bite you..." Midnight really should tell Ruby the truth right now, or he will REALLY have a hard time being bitten by those words of his...

    1. Indeed. He probably will learn his lesson eventually, but until then he's feeling really bad about the matter. And Ruby... yeah, she's fed up with him, like you said.
