Sunday, January 18, 2015

Ch.12. Theft or truth - part.1

As the moon slowly rose in the dark night sky, Midnight swiftly weaved his way into allies and abandoned streets. Finally, Midnight stopped at a dead end where some stairs were. He made his way down them slowly, and stepped into a lively hideout.

Midnight: Griffin! Patrick! What's new with my partners in crime?

Patrick (dark grey leopard): Oh, you know how it is - Annoying UnMythics, pickpocketing, stuff like that. Just a normal day on the job for us!

Griffin (black eagle):  Haha, yeah! Bit of a CRASH BOOM BASH kinda day.

Patrick: You guys want a drink?

Griffin: Course I do! I'M PARCHED!!!

Midnight: No thanks. I'm good.

Patrick: STELLA!!! Give us something to drink!

An orange arctic wolf looked up from cleaning cups and sighed.

Stella (orange arctic wolf): Would you like some crab legs with that?

Griffin: NO WAY!!! Those make me crabby!

Everyone except Stella laughed.

Stella: Well, what DO you want with your drinks?

Patrick: I dunno... Maybe a fresh fire berry leaf and a hint of the good stuff!

Griffin: And maybe some of those frost gems to cool it down!

Stella: Two extra sour cloudy fizzy with fresh fire berry leafs, frost gems and a hint of snakes venom, coming right up...

Stella took a few bottles down from the shelf and started pouring them into the cups she'd been washing.

Midnight: You'll never guess what I found this afternoon!

Griffin: ... No, you're right. I can't guess! What is it?

Midnight: Only the location of one of the RICHEST girls in the world!

Patrick: And you know what we're going to do to that poor girl?

Midnight: We're going to rob EVERYTHING that's worth a penny to us from her! And maybe... Unalive her if she finds out.

Patrick: You bet, partner!

Stella: Your drinks are ready...

Patrick and Griffin snatched their drinks from Stella and gulped it down.

Griffin: Why are these cups so small? An ant couldn't even take a bath in there!

Stella: Until someone robs some bigger cups, that's all I've got.

Patrick: No wonder nobody wants to pay you!

Midnight: ...Who's the guy that stole the apples in the basket over there?

Stella: Bingo did. Says he stole them in front of the poor UnMythic who owned the trees.

Griffin: Show off.

Patrick and Griffin banged their cups on the counter and went over to look at the basket of apples. Midnight moved closer to Stella.

Midnight: Why do you even stay here, Stella?

Stella: I could ask you the same thing. Hanging out with those ruffians is dangerous, Midnight. And you should know that!

Midnight: I know, but they took me in when no one else would... I owe them my LIFE... Do you understand how it feels to be homeless?

Stella: More than you could ever imagine...

Stella looked away from Midnight and picked up a cup and started cleaning it.

Midnight: Well... we're going to rob the rich girl's house later tonight... You can still come, if you want.

Stella looked up from cleaning the cup and looked over at Patrick and Griffin.

Stella: ... Nah, I'm better off staying here where it's safer... I'm not built for stealth or strength, unlike you and your "friends"... Besides, I don't want to kill someone just because they weren't asleep.

Stella turned back to the cups and started cleaning the other cup. Midnight took some coins out of his pocket and put them on the counter. Stella looked up, surprised.

Midnight: For the drinks you gave to those "Ruffians".

Stella smiled at Midnight and took the coins.

Stella: Midnight... You're too...

Midnight: Too kind to be a thief?

Stella: Well... yeah.

Midnight grinned at Stella before walking over to where Patrick and Griffin were.

Griffin: These apples are half rotten! Not worth eating, unless you were starving!

Patrick: Does it matter? If it's stolen it tastes much better than if it was bought!

Midnight: Speaking of stealing, when should we raid the rich girl's house?

 Patrick: Right now.

And so saying so, Patrick walked out of the door. Griffin and Midnight followed close behind.


  1. Sigh... Actually, I feel pretty sorry for Midnight. He could always run away if he wanted to. He is also on the undercover mission with Ruby for the Vampire Lord, why DOES he have to stay in M.O.S.T? ...Although that was exactly the question that Stella asked him. Patrick and Griffin are truly "ruffians", though, and thinking about it, I would never, NEVER survive a day with those two. Eeeeeeeek.

    1. We don't know much about Midnight, but I guess you could say he was a orphan. Maybe Patrick and Griffin found him alone one night and maybe took him in... And maybe they trained him to be a thief while they were at it!

    2. Oh... That's... sad. But you're right, we don't know much about Midnight yet. I'll just keep looking forward to the next post until I know more about Midnight! It's getting really fun and exciting now :P Hehe...

  2. My guess is that Midnight will be a traitor against Patrick and Griffin for the good of society... ? Haha- I don't know. >:3
