Monday, January 5, 2015

Ch.9. Sharpen Your Swords - part.2

Ruby and Midnight enter the Vampire Lord's Mansion to ask him for some training. Before they could get any further, the Vampire Lord appears in front of them in a puff of smoke and a flash of thunder and lightning.

Vampire Lord: I see you have returned for some training young Vampires... Please, come this way to the novice course.

Midnight: (whispering to Ruby) He always seems to make a grand entrance, doesn't he?

They follow the Vampire Lord until they find themselves in a large open area - perfect for training in all sorts of ways. A white tiger spots them and walks over to where they were.

Slash : Good evening, Vampire Lord... what is it that you wish me to do?

Vampire Lord: Good evening Captain Slash... I want you to start training these young Vampires for me.

Slash : With pleasure, Your Greatness...!

The Vampire Lord leaves Ruby and Midnight with Captain Slash .

Slash : Alright! Enough lazing around, you got some training to do! You, over there! Teach them the basics of fist to fist combat! I have to go and inspect the other youths.

A blue eagle flies over and salutes to Captain Slash . The Captain then walks away.

Melody: The names Melody. And you are...?

Ruby: I'm Ruby! And this is Midnight!

Melody: Very well... I guess I should start teaching you the basics... Let's start with some good old punching tricks!

Melody flew over to a punching stand and gestures with her wings for them to come over.

Melody: Ok! Start with a few punches to the side and one straight to the top! Here, I'll show you the best I can with my claws!

Melody started to claw at the punching stand, then looked backed at them.

Melody: Well, I can only show you so much with these talons of mine. Maybe one of you would like to give it a go?

Midnight stepped forward and started punching the stand. After a few punches to the side and a few coming up, he stopped and looked at Melody.

Melody: Your doing good! Would you like to try it now, Ruby?

Midnight took a few steps backwards to let Ruby have some space. Ruby started punching the stand and after a while she hit it with a satisfying sound.

Melody: That was great! Do you want to try out some other ways of punching or do you want to try hand to hand combat?

Midnight: I wouldn't mind trying out hand to hand combat - that is, if you think we're ready!

Melody: I think you're ready enough! Hey, Jack! Come over here! I want to teach the novices some hand to hand combat!

A grey raccoon  slowly walks over to where they were standing.

Jack: You do know I have a major advantage in fighting you in hand to hand combat... Are you sure you want to do this...?

Melody: Its not all about advantages, Jack!

Jack: Fine... If you say so...!

Melody starts to fly just above the ground. Then just like a flash of lightning, Jack quickly punches towards Melody's claws. Just as quickly as Jack, she grabs hold of Jack's arm and swings it around and pushes him towards the ground.

Melody: That's a simple defense trick you need to learn! Why not try it on each other?

After a few hours of attacking and defensing,  Ruby and Midnight waved goodbye to Melody as they headed back home.